The process of transporting goods in A Dong

Logistics is the anchor to provide the highest quality products to the construction sites, owning trucks to serve the fastest and safest transportation. In A Dong, in addition to warehouses, transportation is an issue we care about for the purpose of improving logistics quality. Because we provide direct delivery services to the construction sites in order to ensure that the goods are not damaged during transportation, A Dong implements the process in a methodical and professional manner, including Drivers’ attire and behavior.

After being released from the warehouse, the goods are quickly transported to the pre-designated construction sites for construction. At the same time, it will be transferred to transshipment warehouses to ensure that all projects in 63 provinces have goods for construction. At transshipment warehouses, goods are stored, neatly arranged, ready to be transported to construction sites.

Equipped with truck heads for transporting goods and having warehouses as transshipment stations, the transportation costs are especially competitive, thanks to the optimization of simultaneous and continuous transportation for many chains stores nationwide.

  • Cost saving: Optimizing simultaneous and continuous shipping for many chain stores across the country, so transportation costs are especially competitive.
  • Quality assurance: The delivery process always ensures the quality of the goods because the packing process, arranging the large tonnage packages is always accurate to every inch, the inspection stage when arriving at the construction site also ensures the quality. accuracy and quality.
  • Professionalism in every step: You will be served by a team of dynamic staff, a team of enthusiastic drivers to ensure punctuality and quality in the supply chain.
  • Flexibility in transportation: The factory invests with many trucks from small to large weight, so it is very flexible in the transportation process to help deliver goods on time, without affecting the construction schedule.